
Showing posts from 2021

Task 9B - Inheritance, Polymorphism, Overriding, Enums and more

Identify and write the code of classes, their attributes, behavior and relationships that shall fulfil below requirements. Think and decide yourself where you need to use which type, where enum make sense, where overloading, overriding and inheritance can help etc. to devise a solution that is reusable and maintainable. It has nothing to do with how real banking work, so don’t worry if something do not make sense to you. A bank allow citizens to open accounts, each account must have an id, opening balance, account holder name, and age. Bank offers 3 types of accounts i.e. current account, saving account and investment account. Bank gives no profit on current accounts but to others. So, the saving and investment account are earning accounts, means the account holders of saving and investment accounts make profit from their deposits. Both earning based account shall expose a public behavior to retrieve total earnings (how it’s calculated is explained below). All saving accounts has a cat

Web Development Final Lab Paper - PHP and MySQL

  MUST FOLLOW THESE INSTRUCTIONS TO MAKE SURE YOUR PROGRAM RUNS ON MY SYSTEM WHICH IS MANDATORY FOR EVALUATION: If the submitted code matched with another submission, both students would get 0 marks and UMC case will be filed to Exams Department that may further result into cancellation of whole semester. In htdocs folder, create project folder based on your registration number. For example, if your registration number is CIIT/FA18-BCS-122/LHR, the project folder name should be fa18-bcs-122. Create images folder in your project folder to place uploaded images. Use random name for image files. Must use the provided SQL schema to create the database schema to ensure your code is compatible with my database. (Do not submit any SQL file). Before you make a .rar file to upload, the database host name, database name, user name and password MUST be same as given in common.php file (if you changed it for any reason, undo those

Task 10 - Form Manipulation and Event Handling using JavaScript - Practice Task

With reference to last two lectures on JavaScript, we discussed how to handle events in web application, how to read and update HTML elements, their properties and CSS styles of a webpage dynamically. We also discussed how to manipulate HTML forms. This practice task, ask you to perform some operations using the concepts we discussed. Definitely, you may have to Google the stuff that is related but not exactly same what we did in class. Before doing this task, I strongly recommend you to first run and understand the code samples we discussed in class that I have shared with you via Dropbox. It would help you to understand the basics and then you can build on those concepts to complete below given work. To better focus on different parts of the task, I have divided it in 4 sub-tasks, each sub-task UI is given in below mockup. 10.1 Create an option list with "multiple" property enabled, that means, user shall be able to select multiple options by holding the CTRL key. Add a lis

Task 9 - Session Handling - Programming Practice Task using PHP

9.1 Make show-session-data.php, it should display all sessions data (int, float, arrays) in the web page. if the element is array, display array data appropriately. 9.2 Make a form with two input fields i.e. key and value, when user submit the form, store the submitted key  value in session. If same key already exist, display message that key already exist in session and can't be created again. At end of the script, include show-session-data.php script you created in task 9.1 9.3 Make a program that shift all cookies into session and delete them from user browser. Definitely, you have to add some cookie first. 9.4 A request contains multiple parameter with some values. Shift all parameters into session. Using same name and value.