
Showing posts from September, 2012

What is the difference between sandy bridge and ivy bridge processors

Transistor is key component inside processor, which has a physical size. In Sandy Bridge, the transistor size is 32 nano meter (also called 32nm technology). These are called Intel 2nd Generation Processors. There are multiple i3, i5, and i7 Sandy Bridge models. Under Ivy Bridge, Intel has decreased the transistor size to 22 nano meter. Its mean, more components can be embedded inside same size processor chip, so more processing power can be introduced inside same size physical chip. i3, i5 and i7 with Ivy Bridge type processors are called Intel 3rd Generation Processors. In Ivy Bridge, Intel has also introduced a new transistor named 3D / Tri-Gate .

Introduction to Computing Fall 2012

Course Objective This course is an introduction to broad class of computer issues. It is designed for students who are not CS majors, who have had little or no previous experience with computers.  Announcements Section A and B, your labs are being conducted as per schedule. The Lab instructor comes in each lab. It is required for every student to attend lab. Its attendance is required to be at least 80%. There is separate exams of tasks done in lab. So don't miss it. Oct 2. The course for Sessional-1 exam is first 8 lectures, as per our course outline. All what we covered before Input Devices (excluding input devices). Nov. 8. There is quiz # 2 in next week's first lecture (of both sections in their classes). Nov 15 . The course for S-II exam for both sections is Input and Output Devices, Operating Systems and Databases. (Section B, please note, no any topic of Data Communication is included in S-II exam). 23 Dec, If any one has attendance shortage issue because of 1-2 lecture

Spring MVC 3.1 - How to Get HttpServletRequest and HttpServletResponse objects in Controller Method

When Spring MVC 3.1 dispatcher introspect the parameters lists of user defined controller method that is to be executed. It identifies it from URL pattern. Using reflections it introspect the types of parameters and pass the required object to that controller method. For example, there is a method hello() which expect HttpServletRequest and HttpServletResponse object binded or associated with current under-process request, the hello() method can be declared like this: @Controller @RequestMapping("/hello") public class HelloController { @RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.GET) public String hello(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) { // Use request and response object as you in JSP or Servlets } So, the Spring MVC 3.1 would automatically pass the defined parameters.

Spring MVC 3.1 - How to Get HttpSession in Controller Method

In Spring MVC 3.1, there is great improvement on ways how we get frequently used object during request processing life cycle. You may need to have access to following classes instances frequently in different controllers e.g. HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse, HttpSession, etc. When Spring MVC 3.1 dispatcher receive the raw request, it introspect the parameters lists of user defined controller methods which is supposed to be executed (from URL pattern). Using reflections it introspect the types of parameters and pass the required object to that controller method. For example, there is a method names index which expect HttpSession, so that it could perform something related to session. the index() method can be declared just like this: @Controller @RequestMapping("/home") public class HomeController { @RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.GET) public String index(HttpSession session) { // Use session object here, as you like } The Spring MVC 3.1 would automatic

Spring MVC 3.1 - How to Convert Form Empty String Values to null Before Controller Execution

If you are using Spring MVC 3.1. Sometime, we want the framework should return the null values for parameters whose values are not set on HTML form. But Spring by default get then as empty strings e.g. "" instead null. You need to configure @InitBinder inside your controller class. It would do the magic of converting all empty strings to null before passing the form object to controller. @InitBinder /* Converts empty strings into null when a form is submitted */ public void initBinder(WebDataBinder binder) { binder.registerCustomEditor(String.class, new StringTrimmerEditor(true)); }

What is Port in Context of Client Server Communication

IP address is unique numerical address of each computer directly connected to internet. If you want to send data to a computer, all you need is the IP address of that computer. But data is received by some program running on a computer. If you send data to a computer just specifying its IP address, how can that computer decide which program the data should be passed to? (as a computer runs multiple programs). Here comes the port. Port is a number used to specify which program should receive the data. So when a computer send data to another, in addition to IP address, the sender also specify the port number so that the operating system could decide the target program where data should be passed. Say there is a computer with IP address = which is running a web server (a program that receive HTTP request and send response) on port 88. You can access it by point your web browser to Some pre-defined port numbers are used for particular type of services.